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Continued Workshop Prep

My garage now only has the empennage kit. All other components (except the BRS) are in storage. Apparently, the storage company frowns upon the storage of ballistic materials.

Being a Software Engineer, I have my proclivities when it comes to project management. To that end, I am using one of my favorite tools for organizing work: Trello. If you're familiar with Agile/SCRUM, you are probably familiar with it too. Here's a list of things to do over the weekend:

  1. A little bit more garage organization and lighting
  2. Build workbenches (EAA Chapter 1000 type)
  3. Buy air compressor and pneumatic rivet gun
  4. Buy handheld rivet gun, riv-nut puller, reaming bits, drill bits, fine-point markers, and deburring tools
  5. Buy 3M Scotch-Brite pads, cleaner, de-greaser, nitrile gloves, tack rags, lint-free rags/towels, and self-etching primer
  6. Build primer paint booth
I also need to consider the following:

  1. Order Rudder replacement skin
  2. Order VOR antenna
  3. Order elevator trim servo (still surprised this is not included in the finishing kit - check on pushrood and clevis)
  4. Look into tail stobe/anti-collision light/position light options and legal requirements
I believe I can easily get these tasks accomplished over the weekend, but you just never know. Life is organically capable of disrupting the best laid plans.
