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Aileron Autopilot Brackets Installed

Don't skip page E2 of the installation manual. If you complete the work all the way to page E8 and realize E2 wasn't done, going back is has its challenges.

The previous builder overlooked page E2: Installation of aileron autopilot and yoke control brackets. These steps are much easier when the main spar is out of the fuselage. Additionally, the autopilot brackets share six rivets with the front seat ribs, so don't rivet your brackets in until the main spar is mated with those.

Getting the autopilot brackets installed was impossible with the flap tube in. I had to drill out about 36 rivets to remove the flap tube bush brackets. Below is a picture of the flap torque tube bracketed in from the other side:

I had to drill out the six rivets that mated the control tube brackets to the main spar. Below shows the positioning of the autopilot brackets:

With everything out of the way, the two side brackets can be set with a pneumatic rivet gun. The center bracket requires a hand squeezer. After installation:

Important to note that riveting the center bracket underneath the main spar is tricky if your hand riveter is too long. I had to put a little bend in each mandrel and use a wedge in order to set the rivets. This is risky, as bends in the mandrel tend to cause early or undesired break points. I got lucky with the first three rivets. The fourth rivet (left side of picture) , however, broke the end of the mandrel, leaving 1.5" of mandrel sticking down. I managed to set it some more, but only breaking another 1/2" off.

I used a heavy-duty wire cutter to score the mandrel close to the rivet head. I then bent the mandrel with a needle-nose vise-grip and it broke at the scoring line. It's a perfectly acceptable imperfection.
