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Aileron Stops Fix and Main Spar

I riveted the main spar to the CF. About one-fourth of the skin's holes required minor reaming to receive the rivets.

Afterwards, I drilled out the twelve aileron stop rivets. Only one of them was problematic, with the mandrel broken at the surface. It was impossible to get a clean drill out of it. I flipped the stops around and re-joined them.


  1. Figure out what rear fuse work needs to be done and verify parts and build
  2. Verify work in E1. Do the parts bolted to the web need to be riveted? Check torque.
  3. Verify E3 work. Rivet main spar in E3 (verify using 4.0x10mm alu-multi rivets).
  4. Fix aileron stops in E3
  5. Installing missing center console rivnuts and enlarge screw holes (need to place order for #8-32 rivnuts)
  6. Verify E4-E9
  7. Install soundproofing
  8. Assemble/Install Finishing manual 1-4abc
  9. Assemble/Install Finishing manual 10, 11, 18
  10. At some point receive replacement parts for rear seat location modification (E16, E17, E18)
  11. At some point receive some emp replacement parts for continued emp work
  12. Prepare rear seat base assembly and assemble
  13. Paint firewall (still haven't figured out what paint to use)
  14. Assemble FFW pages 1 &2
  15. Partially assemble E12 & E13
  16. HS with VOR antenna
  17. Torque EL
