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One and One-Half Elevator Tips

With the left wing tip riveted, I started on the right side. Before that, I reviewed Craig's blog for how he handled the EL tips. I was curious about the gap between the skins and the composite, but I also found his approach to drilling the holes.

Following Craig's example, I aligned the composite against the skin and drilled the first hole at the trailing edge. The composite is much more rigid at this location and the drill bit is able to cut through. Put a cleco in and move to the next hole. The cleco held up the composite material enough to be able to drill through. Insert another cleco and continue.

This approach was much easier than parking holes and using a drill press with a backing block.

The second guidance I gleamed from Craig was the use of a filler to even out the gap between the skin and wing tip. I knew I had seen this before, but I wanted to confirm the solution. I saw this in person on Phil's TSi.

I made return to this post and add pictures later.

1 hr

Next steps:

  1. Rivet right side EL wing tip
  2. Fix EL trim gusset (ugh!)
  3. Install EL access plate rivnuts
